Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saying Goodbye


Ryan Christiani said...

The colours in this one are Fantastic and the texture, well played.

Yuta Onoda said...

ohhhh its sooo sad....
this actually happened to me when i was a kid...
makes me cry.....
nicely done!

Juan Carlos Solon said...

Its not sad hes growing up he can't play with silly toys like that anymore...I'm gonna go play with my cup and ball now good,day.

btw I kinda want a print of this

Nimit Malavia said...

this actually speaks to me alot....somehow

i feel sad and nostalgic...but kind of hopeful at the same time

one of these days you'll show me how to use this "digital" beast of yours.

loves it!

Michael said...

It's alright. I GUESS.